

Website :
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Tel : 07544 792604
Company Number 10134263
Waste Carrier License – CBDU208239

Estimate Number KHS-0148
Estimate Date 07/01/2017
Valid Until 06/02/2017
Total £3,925.00
Maxine Turner

6 Prospect Close

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 BEDROOM 1 - 2.9m x 4.5m

Plaster artex ceiling, Supply and install coving,

1 BEDROOM 2 - 2.5m x 4.2m

Plaster artex ceiling, Supply and install coving,

1 BEDROOM 3 - 2.7m x 3.5m

Plaster artex ceiling, Supply and install coving,

1 BEDROOM 4 - 5m x 3m

Plaster artex ceiling, Supply and install coving,

1 TOILET 1m x2m

Plaster artex ceiling, Supply and install coving,

1 LOUNGE 5m x 5m

Plaster artex ceiling, Supply and install coving,

1 LANDING 5m x 3m

Plaster artex ceiling, Supply and install coving,

1 HALLWAY 5m x 3m

Plaster artex ceiling, Supply and install coving,

1 KITCHEN 3m x 3.5

Plaster artex ceiling,

1 BATHROOM 3.2m x 1.6

Plaster artex ceiling,

Sub Total £3,925.00
VAT £0.00
Total £3,925.00

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