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Tel : 07544 792604
Company Number 10134263
Waste Carrier License – CBDU208239

Estimate Number KHS-0230
Estimate Date 27/04/2017
Valid Until 27/05/2017
Total £6,800.00
Ambretta Margate

44 King St,


Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Front Building Painting

Prepare and paint front of property
UPVC Clad below front bay window
UPVC window sill for large bay window
Paint 5 doors
Paint 13 windows
Supply all paint and labour

1 Kitchen Ceiling

Clean kitchen ceiling and remove all grease approx 6m x 3m
Prepare ceiling with stabilizers
Paint ceiling with special kitchen paint

1 Shed with fridges

Supply and install 8 sheets of 8x4 18mm shatter ply on top of existing floor to give strengh
Supply and install vinyl tiles approx 12sqm

1 Shed extension

Build new wooden structure along side existing approx 4m x 2.6m
Supply all wood including joist and roofing materials
Build block surround to same level as old shed to support joists
Line internal with shatter ply
Supply and install vinyl tiles to match new
Create new doorway from old structure to new

Sub Total £6,800.00
VAT £0.00
Total £6,800.00

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