

Website :
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Tel : 07544 792604
Company Number 10134263
Waste Carrier License – CBDU208239

Estimate Number KHS-0470
Estimate Date 06/07/2018
Valid Until 05/08/2018
Total £5,970.00
Emma Thomas

373 Middle Deal Road
CT14 9SN


Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Walls

Remove stud wall that contains light switch and fan isolator
Rebuild stud wall once floor joist have been replaced

1 Floor Joist

Supply and replace 3 floor joist beneath bathroom floor
Replace damaged floor boards

1 Bathroom Suite

Remove old bathroom suite to include , Bath Tub, Toilet and sink.
Supply and install new 3 piece bathroom suite to include chrome taps.
This price is for suite to remain in current situ location,

1 Walls and ceiling

Remove all existing wall tiles
Skim all walls and ceiling
Supply and install new tiles just around bath tub area.
Paint all walls, ceiling and woodwork

1 Shower

Supply and install new thermostat shower riser and rose

1 Boiler Pipework

Box in boiler pipework

1 Flooring

Supply and install new bathroom floor tiles approx 4 sqm

1 Rubbish

Remove and dispose of all rubbish

1 Bathroom Suite

Supply new 3 piece bathroom suite, Bath tub, Sink and toilet

Sub Total £5,970.00
VAT £0.00
Total £5,970.00

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