

Website :
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Tel : 07544 792604
Company Number 10134263
Waste Carrier License – CBDU208239

Estimate Number KHS-0504
Estimate Date 12/09/2018
Valid Until 12/10/2018
Total £2,880.00
Esther Jaques

21 Granville Street
CT14 7EZ


Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Front Door

Supply and install draft excluder
Paint front door yellow
Paint door frame black gloss

1 Conservotory

Seal around conservatory double doors with cualk
Supply and install new glass for double doors

1 Kitchen

Remove all existing splash back tiles and make good walls
Supply and install new white London brick style tiles for cooker surround and wall and splash back
Prepare all walls and ceiling and paint with white kitchen emulsion .
Remove and install new cooker extractor hood ( supplied by customer )
Remove all rubbish

1 Worktop and units

Remove old kitchen worktop
Supply and install new 40mm oak work tops 2 x 3m lengths
Build 2 shelves out of left over oak top
move end units to far end where fridge is situated and modify accordingly
Move fridge to new position
Dispose of old work top and rubbish

Sub Total £2,880.00
VAT £0.00
Total £2,880.00

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