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Tel : 07544 792604
Company Number 10134263
Waste Carrier License – CBDU208239

Estimate Number KHS-0439
Estimate Date 16/05/2018
Valid Until 15/06/2018
Total £1,935.00
Eddie Newall

17 Guilton,


Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Front

Prepare all areas and paint with Dulux weather shield 10 year guarantee white paint
Stabilise all areas
3 window sills
Bay window roof
Sofits and facias
Porch area walls and ceiling
Paint gas meter box and railing with black paint
Wipe down and clean gutters
All paints and labour included

1 Side

Prepare all areas and paint with Dulux weather shield 10 year guarantee white paint
Stabilise all areas
3 window sills
Sofits and facias
Wipe down and clean gutters
All paints and labour included

1 Rear Side

Prepare all areas and paint with Dulux weather shield 10 year guarantee white paint
Stabilise all areas
3 window sill
Rendered area
Sofits and facias
Wipe down and clean gutters
All paints and labour included

1 Back of House & Extension

Prepare all areas and paint with Dulux weather shield 10 year guarantee white paint
Stabilise all areas
2 window sill
Rendered area
Wipe down and clean gutters
Replace extension facia and paint
All paints and labour included

1 Coal Bunker

Prepare Coal Bunker roof and door and paint black

Sub Total £1,935.00
VAT £0.00
Total £1,935.00

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