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Tel : 07544 792604
Company Number 10134263
Waste Carrier License – CBDU208239

Estimate Number KHS-0695
Estimate Date 31/08/2019
Valid Until 30/09/2019
Total £2,725.00
Wards of Kent

St. Leonard's House, North Street, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1RJ

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Flat 1 , 13 Radnor Park Crescent, CT19 5AS
1 Bay windows

Sill beneath front bay window sills to reduce draft

1 Mould and Cracks in lounge

Clean and treat damp with damp seal in several areas in lounge / kitchen
Prepare and paint all walls and ceilings
Supply and install trickle vents in windows

1 Kitchen Lino

Supply and replace ripped kitchen lino

1 Bathroom

Supply and replace bath tub as old has rust by waste
Re sill around bath
Repair rotten floor boards by bath
Supply and install new bath panel
Supply and install shower screen
Supply and install new extractor fan
Clean and stain block all walls and ceiling
Prepare and paint all walls, ceiling an woodwork
Dispose of old bath and rubbish

1 Bedroom

Clean and treat damp with damp seal in several areas in bedroom
Prepare and paint all walls and ceilings
Supply and install trickle vents in windows

Sub Total £2,725.00
VAT £0.00
Total £2,725.00

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